幫我寫一個功能和界面都和Google翻譯類似的單獨HTML文件,API格式如下。 Request: POST /v1/translateHtml HTTP/1.1 Host: translate-pa.googleapis.com X-Goog-API-Key: my_api_key Content-Type: application/json+protobuf [[["Wie geht es dir?"],"auto","en"],"wt_lib"] Response: [["How are you doing?"],["de"]]

    I'll create a standalone HTML file that mimics Google Translate's functionality and interface, using the API format you provided.

    This HTML file creates a Google Translate-like interface with the following features:

    1. Language Selection:
      • Source language dropdown with auto-detect option
      • Target language dropdown
      • Language swap button
    2. Translation Interface:
      • Source text input area
      • Translation output area
      • Translate button
    3. API Implementation:
      • The code includes a simulated API call that follows your specified format
      • The actual request would be formatted as:
        POST /v1/translateHtml HTTP/1.1 Host: translate-pa.googleapis.com X-Goog-API-Key: my_api_key Content-Type: application/json+protobuf [[["Wie geht es dir?"],"auto","en"],"wt_lib"]
      • The expected response format is handled: [["How are you doing?"],["de"]]
    4. Additional Features:
      • Auto-translation after typing stops
      • Language detection display
      • Responsive design similar to Google Translate

    In a real implementation, you would replace the simulateTranslationApi function with actual API calls using the fetch API to connect to your translation service.

    Claude does not have the ability to run the code it generates yet.


    用真正的fetch API取代simulateTranslationApi function。

    I'll replace the simulated API function with a real fetch implementation that matches the API format you specified.

    I've replaced the simulated API function with a real fetch implementation that uses the exact API format you specified. Here are the key changes:

    1. Added a new fetchTranslation function that:
      • Uses the fetch API to make real HTTP requests to the translation endpoint
      • Formats the request body according to your specified format: [[["text"],"source","target"],"wt_lib"]
      • Sets the correct headers including Content-Type: application/json+protobuf and X-Goog-API-Key
      • Handles the response parsing and error handling
    2. Updated the response handling to match the expected format:
      • The translated text is extracted from response[0][0]
      • The detected language (when using auto-detect) is extracted from response[1][0]
    3. Included a fallback for demonstration purposes:
      • If the API call fails (which is likely since we're using a placeholder API key), it will generate mock responses
      • This allows you to see how the UI would function with a working API

    To use this with a real translation API:

    1. Replace 'my_api_key' with your actual Google Translate API key
    2. Update the API endpoint URL if needed
    3. Remove the fallback mechanism in the catch block once you've confirmed the API is working

    The interface and all other functionality remain the same as before.

    Google Translate Clone